Saint William Gift Shop

Open:  Before and after the Daily 12:10 Mass Mon - Fri
(Closed during the 12:10PM Mass)

Weekends:  Before and After 9:00 and 11:00 Masses

Visa, Discover and Master Cards Accepted

Contact the Gift Shop @ 239-963-4484

Located in the Narthex of Saint William Church at 601 Seagate Drive, Naples FL 34108.


The shop stocks numerous sacramentals, books, bibles, aids to prayer, greeting cards as well as religious jewelry and an assortment of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation gifts.

We are conveniently located in the narthex of the church on Seagate Drive, Naples, just west of Waterside Shops.  We invite you to come visit and be pleasantly surprised!

Monthly Magnificat and Give Us This Day available


St. William Gift Shop, staffed by volunteers, in space provided by our parish, is sponsored by The St. William Council of Catholic Women.  As such, all sales proceeds benefit the Council's scholarships and charities.  Our primary mission is evangelization.  Part of this mission is to be a welcoming place for our parishioners and visitors.  Come visit us!


Rosaries - Scapulars

Bibles - Missals

Inspirational Books

Children's Books

Greeting Cards

Statues - Holy Cards

Medals - Religious Jewelry


Sacrament and Seasonal Gifts

and more!