Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist assist the Priest (the ordinary minister of the Sacrament) in the distribution of Eucharist.

Those who are 16 and older, and who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, special training and commissioning.  Commissioning means that the pastor in charge of the parish has given you a specific mission of bringing Communion to specific people on behalf of the parish.

Current/Active Ministers (Weekend):
Sue Westley
(239) 261-4883

Current/Active Ministers (Weekday):
8am:  Sue Westley
(239) 261-488

Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and home-bound:
Mrcy Wysocki
(239) 963-4475

* Those who are homebound are deprived of their place among the Eucharistic community. To spiritually nourish the
homebound, the Church makes Communion possible through Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These ministers
manifest faith and charity on behalf of the whole community to those unable to be present at the Eucharist. For those unable to
attend Eucharist, the ability to receive Communion at home is a sign of support and concern by the Christian community.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the homebound are sent forth from the worshiping community. To
protect both the homebound individual and the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, in this diocese, those who visit the
homebound must be trained, attend a Safe Environment Training session, be fingerprinted, and be assigned. It is not enough to be
an Extraordinary Minister of Communion at Mass, or to simply respond to the request of someone you know.

Adapted: Communion of the Sick, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press.