Browsing Reflections on the last year

Your Turn: Questions to Reflect on and Journal About

During Lent, some of our staff shared their reflections on our past year.  We hope they helped you see that, whatever your experience has been, you’re not alone.  Taking the time to reflect, write and share our perspectives has helped us become more hopeful and energized going forward.  With that in mind, we are inviting you to do the same.  As we move into the fifty days of the Easter Season, perhaps this can be your Easter Resolution:  finding and sharing new life.  If you’d like to share with your parish family (with or without your name), you can email Kristi, fill out the form at the bottom of this page, or drop them off at the main temporary office (in the choir room).

  • Prayerfully consider what you can do to help create a new and beautiful normal.
  • What of this period of isolation do you want to maintain in your life?
  • What in your pre-covid life has this ‘reset’ encouraged you to let go of?
  • What steps could you take now to reset your life in a new direction where love of God and love for neighbor holds centre stage?

(Christine Sine


  • What are your biggest anxieties about things opening back up? How can you trust God with them?
  • What have you learned about yourself in these last few months that was unexpected or meaningful?
  • Share a quintessential story of your sheltering-in — a small moment that really broke/touched/buoyed your heart, that you never want to forget.

(Courtney Martin’s newsletter May 27, 2020)


  • Is there a way of prayer that might speak to you more at this time?
  • What attitude or stance is the Spirit calling you to in these days?
  • As this goes on, what does God suggest will help you to stay well in mind, spirit and body?

(Lorraine Reaume, OP)


  • Write down 5 things you never realized you were grateful for before.
  • Which of your friends or family have struggled the most during this time? How could you help?

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What did you learn that you NEED to live out your faith? 

What did you learn you can live without?


Thanks to Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP, for providing these questions and sources.